Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Benjamin Franklin Was A Great Impact On Society - 1249 Words

Introduction Benjamin Franklin was a very important colonist in the Revolutionary War era. He was mainly known for being a Founding Father with many inventions and contributions to the founding of the United States of America; he had helped write the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Articles of Confederation, also he helped form the Treaty of Paris, drafted into the Second Continental Congress and performed the kite and key experiment fueling the flame for his interest in electricity. He had lived in Boston, Massachusetts (1706-1718), New York (1718-1721), London, England (1724-1726) and Paris, France (1776-1785) for a short period of time, but Philadelphia, Pennsylvania remained his home for 59 years of his life. Benjamin Franklin was a great impact on society for his contribution for the founding of America and his discovery of electricity. Early Life (1706-1727) Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1706. His parents was Josiah Franklin and Abiah Folger. Josiah was a soap and candle maker, he had 17 kids, the first 7 with Anne Child and the last ten with Abiah Folger. Benjamin Franklin was the 15th son. Benjamin went to school at Boston Latin School until he was 10 when he started working with his dad at his soap and candle shop. Ben was uninterested in his father s work so his brother, James apprenticed Ben at a print shop. Since James wouldn t print any of his brother s work, Ben used an alias of Mrs. Silence Dogood whoShow MoreRelatedEssay on Benjamin Franklins Autobiography1429 Words   |  6 PagesAUTOBIOGRAPHY Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography is an inspiring tale of his personal, as well as public achievement throughout his life. Franklin’s life embodies the exemplary model of a life composed of discipline, self-reliance and self improvement. 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He was a diplomat, a statesman, a scientistRead MoreAmerica s Essential Documents Of America1644 Words   |  7 Pagesagainst something are remembered and studied. This doesn’t just apply to presidents, but to any great men. As great men or women come into our society and make a difference we all grow as a nation and every nation is different depending on its history. The United states of America has grown incredibly from its humble beginnings. We’re now one of the greatest superpowers in the world! But our society wasn’t just developed over night; when you look back in history you can find many points in timeRead MoreBenjamin Franklin Essay174 1 Words   |  7 PagesWho was Benjamin Franklin? Probably not quite who we think he was. Yes, he was one of the Founding Fathers, the only one who put his name to all three of the founding documents of the United States: the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, and the Constitution under which we still live. 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I firmly agree with Franklin’s claim, and have seen the justification of this concept in American society, history, literature, and my own personal experiences. American society is notorious for the advocation of excess wealth and pleasure and the unanimous goal of expanding knowledge and possession. Franklin’s argument applies to American society through the lives of its people.Read MoreHow Did Benjamin Franklin Affect American Society?1866 Words   |  8 Pages How Did Benjamin Franklin Affect American Society? Many individuals have had the opportunity to lead, to innovate, and to direct this country. Through different roles, similar or dissimilar, individuals have impacted different aspects of our society. A hundred dollar man, by the name of Benjamin Franklin, had this initiative and drive held by other great leaders of this country. Benjamin Franklin many times has impacted America and its society more than most individuals seem

Monday, December 23, 2019

Maternal and Child Deaths during Pregnancy - 924 Words

Globally, estimated 1.5 billion women were of childbearing age (15 to 45 years old) in 2011; 26% (310.62 million) of them covered by India only. Among 1.5 billion, 210 million become pregnant every year; of which; 86.66% (accounting as 182 million) of in developing world and remaining 13.33% (28 million) was in developed countries. 1, 2 Similarly 139.65 million births were in 2009 in the world and 26.92 million only in India.2 Pregnancy and childbirth are special events in women’s lives. This can be a time of great hope and joyful anticipation3. Though pregnancy and childbirth are a natural and usual phenomenon, these events put every woman at risk of complications and it directly/indirectly affect to the growth and development of the infant. Most maternal and child deaths occur during late pregnancy and the first year of the child’s life respectively.4 Estimation by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2011, worldwide, approximately 3.5 million women die every year during pregnancy and delivery; almost 1000 a day. Almost 99 % of maternal, newborn, and child deaths occur in low and middle income countries.5 About 20% of global maternal death and 25% of child deaths occur only in India.6, 7.Though the life expectancy at birth is 63 years for boys and 66 years for girls, 69 per 1000 live births of under five children and 47 per 1000 live birth of under one year children die every year in India.8 Child malnutrition is also the major global public health problem. It is the majorShow MoreRelatedA State And Federal Program902 Words   |  4 Pagescontribute to family health (Handler, 2015). This program focuses on issues which affect women of child bearing age, children, adolescents, as well children with special health care needs (Handler, 2015). Maternal and Child programs work to address health promotion issues across the lifespan of individuals and families. It is noted that if emphasis on proper health care is placed on preconception, pregnancy and early childhood, the nation is along a path for lifelong wellness. These include preventiveRead MoreThe Mortality Of Maternal Mortality1231 Words   |  5 Pagesthe maternal mortality ratio is considered one of the main indicators of a country’s status in the area of maternal health, the burden of maternal mortality is only a small fraction of the burden of maternal morbidity; the health problems borne by women du ring pregnancy and the postpartum period. Maternal deaths have been described as the tip of the iceberg and maternal morbidity as the base. Yet, women who survive life-threatening conditions arising from complications related to pregnancy and childbirthRead MoreThe Causes and Prevelence of Obstetrical Emergencies 1185 Words   |  5 PagesINTRODUCTION â€Å"Maternal health is nation’s wealth. There is chance for the welfare of the world only when the condition of women improves. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.† -Swamy Vivekananda Obstetrical emergencies are the life threatening medical conditions that occur during pregnancy or after labor and delivery. Many illnesses and disorders of pregnancy can threaten the well-being of both the mother and the child.1 Preventive/ effective management of obstetric emergenciesRead MoreObesity And Pregnancy : Early Education And Prevention1290 Words   |  6 PagesObesity and Pregnancy: Early education and prevention Alicia Gonzalez de Arreola ENG 122: English Composition Professor Amy Erickson August 25, 2014 â€Æ' Obesity and Pregnancy: Early Education and Prevention Obesity has become an epidemic not only in the United States, it is worldwide (Sullivan, 2014). Obesity affects both mother and child leading to severe complications during and after birth, therefore measures should be taken to monitor and educate women and women who plan on becoming pregnant.Read MoreQuality Of Care For Maternal And Newborn Health1265 Words   |  6 PagesHealth Quality Quality of care for maternal and newborn health has been an agenda that has been neglected. Many women experience disrespectful, abusive, or neglectful treatment during child birth in facilities.Woman autonomy are being violated, leaving women without the choice to seek the proper maternal health care services.Quality care for women and newborns morality has been seeking less attention.issues with quality of care must improve deaths of mothers and newborns has became a issueRead MoreThe Maternal Mortality Of South Africa Essay1389 Words   |  6 Pages2.1.1 Background on the maternal and infant/child health in South Africa There are numerous issues surrounding maternal and infant health in South Africa. The maternal mortality ratio in South Africa is estimated at 156.5 per 100000 live births (Pattinson et al 2012). It is suggested that 60% of maternal deaths in South Africa are preventable (Amnesty International 2014). The three leading underlying causes of maternal mortality in South Africa include: HIV/AIDS, hypertension and obstetric haemorrhageRead MoreEssay On Perinatal And Neonatal Mortality1018 Words   |  5 PagesDecreasing Perinatal Neonatal Mortality Rates: Low Middle-Income Areas One in four pregnancies end in loss - think about that for just a second. If four women are randomly selected, chances are one of them have experienced some type of loss of a child. Approximately one million pregnancies each year just in the United States alone end in early pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or the death of a newborn child (October: Awareness). In an effort to lower these statistics, medical institutions shouldRead MoreQuality Of Care For Maternal And Newborn Health1721 Words   |  7 PagesProfessor Surles Quality of care for maternal and newborn health has been an agenda that has been neglected. Many women experience disrespectful, abusive, or neglectful treatment during child birth in facilities.Woman autonomy are being violated, leaving women without the choice to seek the proper maternal health care services. Quality care for women and newborns morality has been seeking less attention.issues with quality of care must improve deaths of mothers and newborns has became a issueRead MoreMaternal Stress And The Birth Of A Healthy New Born Baby849 Words   |  4 PagesMaternal Stress Since ancient times, scientists have written about beliefs that the emotional state of the pregnant mother may affect her unborn child. Today, both animal and human studies support the notion that maternal stress and anxiety during pregnancy can have both immediate and long-term effects on her offspring (The Effects of Maternal Stress, n.d.). Prenatal maternal stress originates due to unforeseen circumstances that cannot be controlled or resolved within a rapid timeframe, thereforeRead MoreMaternal Mortality : Developing Countries1600 Words   |  7 PagesMay 2016 Maternal Mortality in Developing Countries Around the world, 830 women die every day from preventable complications during pregnancy and delivery (â€Å"Maternal mortality† 1). A death during a pregnancy or within 42 days of delivery is referred to as a maternal death (Semba and Bloem 34). The issue of maternal death in developing countries is an often unaddressed and urgent need. Things like poverty, a lack of access to quality healthcare, and cultural practices are causing maternal mortality

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Lack of African American TV Shows Free Essays

The norms of American television during its early years have always been focused on the so-called â€Å"social whiteness† owing to the fact that shows have always been dominated by the whites. This theory of racial subjugation was eventually refuted since white and black characters after the 1980s do get the same amount exposure on TV shows. Considering the height of racial discrimination in the United States, the lack of African American TV shows is not surprising though African American celebrities have the same acting skills as non-African Americans. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lack of African American TV Shows or any similar topic only for you Order Now The shows allotted for African-Americans, predisposed or not, have been limited to situation comedies (sitcoms) and stand-up comics to exemplify that these marginalized sector indeed does get the equality of quantity of said TV acts. To cite in history, there was the â€Å"Amos N’ Andy Show† which commenced in 1928 as a thirty-year radio show and broadcasted on television in 1951 which only lasted for two years because of the massive protests by the black community. It was the lone TV show with an all-black cast during the period. There was also â€Å"The Beulah Show,† â€Å"The Nat King Cole,† â€Å"All in the Family,† â€Å"The Jeffersons,† â€Å"Good Times,† â€Å"What’s Happening,† â€Å"That’s My Mama,† and â€Å"Sanford and Son.† The era of â€Å"The Roots,† â€Å"The Cosby Show,† â€Å"Different Strokes,† â€Å"Webster,† â€Å"Gimme A Break,† and the â€Å"A-Team† also came. Many contemporary TV shows featuring African Americans followed thereafter including NBC’s â€Å"Hidden Hills,† FOX’s â€Å"The Bernie Mac Show† and â€Å"Cedric the Entertainer Presents†¦,† ABC’s â€Å"My Wife and Kids,† CBS’s â€Å"Robbery Homicide Division† and â€Å"Hack.† The former network WB also aired black-oriented shows as â€Å"The Hughleys,† â€Å"The Steve Harvey Show† and â€Å"The Jamie Foxx Show.† To enhance racial diversity, WB also featured â€Å"ER,† â€Å"Smallville,† â€Å"Gilmore Girls,† â€Å"Friends† and â€Å"The West Wing.† Meanwhile, UPN introduced â€Å"The Parkers,† â€Å"One on One,† â€Å"Girlfriends,† and â€Å"Half and Half.† Even the popular reality TV shows â€Å"Survivor† and â€Å"Big Brother† even incorporated black contestants in them. According to Screen Actors Guild (SAG) in 1991, schedules for prime time shows are still segregated in that African American dominated shows were isolated still and in some networks like FOX and NBC, the blacks were still underrepresented, such the term â€Å"ghettoization† of African American TV shows. Studies by SAG further revealed that there are two types of programming: first, â€Å"resourceful† programming wherein some shows included a racially diverse cast and â€Å"missed â€Å"opportunity† in which no effort is made at all to broaden their horizons in terms of casting. An example of the first type is â€Å"The Practice† where it gave importance to African American casts, placing them in major roles with long screen times. As have been mentioned earlier, African Americans did not have much opportunity in drama and more serious roles. Shows like â€Å"Sex and the City† and HBO’s â€Å"Six Feet Under† put blacks in very minor, insignificant characters. Oftentimes, blacks are associated with being criminals, villains, gangs, troublemakers, street people, mobs, sidekicks or subordinates in TV performances. These racial stereotyping is not helpful in terms of reconciling the diversified cultures of blacks and whites living in one nation. It cannot be denied that television is one of the most influential media of information dissemination in the world today. Amidst globalization, television plays a great role in shaping the minds and perspectives of people about things happening in their immediate environment. The squaring off of cultural, racial and sexual distinctions should be given priority if indeed the goal of unification and eliminating discrimination is to be realized. The lack of African American TV shows is an illustration as to the inequality of racial representation in media. Even if African Americans constitute only a marginalized portion of the population, they should be given equal TV exposure to indicate that racial chauvinism has been resolved and eliminated. If whites are shown to overshadow the blacks on TV, the audience will get the idea that impartiality still exists even in the entertainment industry. It should be emphasized that television serves as an important cultural medium. Through this instrument, people learn about cultures of the different races. Whether genuine or not, what is shown on TV will be the image that the audience will grasp regarding that particular culture. This is the reason why extra care and caution must be considered when depicting cultures on TV shows since they shape the representation of that ethnicity. As mentioned earlier, African Americans often have negative persona in many TV shows. Because of this, the audience will tend to generalize that African Americans are indeed those kinds of people. This brings about a complex societal problem with regards to people’s attitudes towards African Americans. In conclusion, the lack of African American TV shows is not merely a question of the quantity of shows broadcasted on television but it is also a question of the quality of shows that are being aired globally. Cultural sensitivity is an important factor in that African American characters should not be limited to being slapstick comedians and humorists, but their roles must exemplify what the true black culture is in order to educate people about their beliefs and ideologies. It is only through a wider and deeper understanding of other ethnicities can we solve the problem of racial prejudice. Therefore, it is quantity coupled with quality of African American TV shows that will make the imparting of the black society more meaningful and constructive to be able to correct the mistaken identities of African Americans. By increasing the number of quality African American TV shows, deliverance is within reach. References â€Å"Amos N’ Andy Show.† (n.d.). The Museum of Broadcast Communications. Retrieved February 18, 2008, from http://www.museum.tv/archives/etv/A/htmlA/amosnandy/amosnandy.htm Easton, B. M. (n.d.). â€Å"African-Americans on TV: A Retrogressive Renaissance.† Retrieved February 18, 2008, from http://www.purrmag.com/Purr12/blacksontv.html Kumbier, A. (n.d.). â€Å"The TV Ghetto.† Retrieved February 18, 2008, from http://www.poppolitics.com/articles/2002/09/09/The-TV-Ghetto â€Å"Racism, Ethnicity and Television.† (n.d.). The Museum of Broadcast Communications. Retrieved February 18, 2008, from http://www.museum.tv/archives/etv/R/htmlR/racismethni/racismethni.htm â€Å"The African-American Television Audience.† (n.d.). Nielsen Media Research, Inc. Retrieved February 18, 2008, from http://www.nielsenmedia.com/ethnicmeasure/african-american/indexAA.html    How to cite The Lack of African American TV Shows, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Carls Jr. Commercial free essay sample

Sexuality It is funny how you can get the attention of a man’s sexual desires through a commercial. You can’t blame a man for his behavior. It’s in our nature to be who we are as men. Specifically, the kind of men that can be tricked by a mere image of a woman, in a bikini, eating a cheese burger. The advertisements in today’s world have been altered to use women as bait to reel in men and buy the product without any hesitation. If I told you that if you go to Carl’s Jr. and purchase a cheeseburger and a gorgeous model comes with the burger, would you buy it? I sure would†¦if only it were true. Carl’s Jr. is known for having its famous juicy, charbroiled, seven hundred calorie burgers. Anytime they want to promote a new burger, they use a model dressed revealingly to present the burger. They have the model eat very slowly and take big bites out of the burger to show its ingredients and condiments. At the end of the commercial there is a white background and the burger falls from the sky and lands on the white ground. End of commercial. We have sort of gotten the feeling that these advertisements tend to be repetitive and very similar. It has come to my attention that these commercials were pitched by men or a man. Only a man could use a woman as his tool and present her in front of an audience of millions to show the new way of how to unveil a new product. I have seen so many Carl’s Jr. commercials to the point where I feel like they want me to buy the model, rather than the burger. Nonetheless, having the model will not solve my hunger problem but having her for the sexual desire aspect will suffice. What appealed to me was the lack of importance of the burger in the beginning of the commercial. The commercial starts with the beautiful model at the beach. She is lying on the beach on a towel. The sun is so bright it makes her skin glow and come to life. A breeze flows through the air and has her hair dancing with the wind. Her face so delicate and lovely. As she eats the burger, sauce drips on to her skin. As if the men weren’t aroused already, she wipes the sauce with her finger and licks it off. The newest burger from Carl’s Jr. is the Memphis BBQ Pulled Pork burger. The commercial, dare I say it, is hot. You find yourself at an annual cook-off in Memphis, Tennessee and come across stands selling food, beer, etc. This one particular stand has these two gorgeous girls flipping patties and teasing each other. They give each other menacing looks. You can feel the sexual tension rising. The camera is behind the girls and you can clearly see that they are wearing, what appeared to be, shorts. These shorts allow you to see the girls’ rear ends hanging. The heat was so unstable you can see sweat sliding down their tan, perfect bodies like children sliding down a tube at a waterpark. Remember when I said that these commercials tend to be repetitive? Well history repeats itself because also in this commercial, one of the girls has a drop of sauce land on one of her breasts. She immediately wipes it with her finger and licks it like it was a lollipop. The table across from the girls has two men standing there, staring at them with their mouths so wide open that their jaws are touching the floor. Meanwhile, the girls have put together their burgers and are feeding each other. The men over at the other table took out their cell phones and started to take pictures, like they were teenagers recording a fight in high school. I am going out on a limb here by saying that this and many other commercials by Carl’s Jr. received generally more negative reviews than positive. Those negative reviews came from concerned and angry mothers. One mother had this to say about one of Carl’s Jr. ’s commercials: â€Å"This is absolutely the most disgusting commercial Carls Jr has came up with so far. The women looks like shes actually getting sexually aroused from eating a hamburger for God sake! Not to mention she even looks as if shes fingering herself† (http://www. complaintsboard. com). Now this post received many negative comments from men and good comments from mothers. The mother goes on to say: â€Å"The FCC needs to ban this filthy commercial right off the air. There are innocent children that are being subjected to that appalling, demoralizing smut† (http://www. complaintsboard. com). Several comments to this post were very crucial and degrading. One comment said the following about the concerned mother: â€Å"Oh shut the hell up and quit your bitching. You are just pissed because she is one of the most gorgeous females walking the earth and you are probably just some fat chick who is pissed because you feel even more guilty when you go and eat at Carls Jr every other day because you have to look at yourself in the mirror and wish you looked like her. If it bothers you that much then find a new burger joint to fill your mouth with to gain more weight† (http://www. complaintsboard. com). I wouldn’t call that comment very â€Å"heartwarming† but what is heartwarming is the flow of endless money into your bank account after that commercial is aired in front of billions watching worldwide. I asked my mother if she remembers the burger Carl’s Jr. was advertising in the Memphis BBQ cook-off and she told me: â€Å"What? They were selling burgers? I thought they were selling prostitutes! † Well that’s my mother for you. Just another confused and possibly concerned parent. I asked my father the same question and he told me: â€Å"I got to go get that burger! † Like father, like son. Carl’s Jr. has created this new way of advertising for the same reason we have jobs. To make money and lots of it.