Thursday, May 7, 2020

Hidden Figures By Margot Lee Shetterly Segregation / Civil...

American history has a long, winding path that is what shapes American today. For example: segregation. Segregation was the discrimination of colored people and being separated from the white community. This time period, the 1960’s, was shown in both Hidden Figures and The Help. The book Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly represents segregation/Civil Rights Movement as a nonfictional story about three black women who strive to be engineers at the Langley lab in Virginia and their efforts to get there. However, The Help by Kathryn Stockett represents segregation/Civil Rights Movement as the backdrop for the plot, two black woman and one white woman who struggle in Jackson, Mississippi and go on to write a book with other black maids†¦show more content†¦But they do not know what a pathetic mess I turn into when Leroy’s beating on me. I’m afraid to hit back...How can I love a man who beats me raw?† (485). Towards the end of the book here, Minny e xplains how weak and controlled she feels when she is being abused by her husband, Leroy. This is another dramatic story that portrays the intense emotion in this book. Both Aibileen and Minny experience difficult times and this fact further worsened the presence of segregation in their town. For example, the book described many examples of discrimination including Hilly’s bathroom initiative (every white family with a black maid required an outhouse for the maid, so they would not â€Å"catch diseases†), a police officer killing an innocent black man in front of his children, and not allowing colored people to use the public library among other facilities. These examples of segregation clearly depicted the conditions during that time, and the emotionally charged stories allow the readers to more easily connect with the characters, which leads them to better understand the movement and topic than with Hidden Figures. Not only was The Help more relatable through emotion , but also listed some very important figures in history. Second, The Help did a much better job of portraying the difficulties of segregation because it included more on the Civil Rights Movement, which was happening during the time of segregation. For example, the book explicitlyShow MoreRelatedHidden Figures By Margot Lee Shetterly Segregation / Civil Rights Movement1347 Words   |  6 Pagesexample: segregation. Segregation was the discrimination of colored people and being separated from the white community. This time period, the 1960’s, was shown in both Hidden Figures and The Help. The book Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly represents segregation/Civil Rights Movement as a nonfictional story about three black woman who strive to be engineers at the Langley lab in Virginia and their efforts to get there. However, The Help by Kathryn Stockett represents segregation/Civil Rights MovementRead MoreHidden Figures By Margot Lee Shetterly Segregation / Civil Rights Move ment1402 Words   |  6 Pagesexample: segregation. Segregation was the discrimination of colored people and being separated from the white community. It occurred from 1619-1954. During this time, all facilities were segregated and colored (Black, latina, Indian, etc.) people were given poorer treatment than white people, and everything was segregated, from buses to schools to water fountains/bathrooms. Segregation was portrayed in two books. The book Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly represents segregation/Civil Rights MovementRead MoreHidden Figures : The American Dream And The Untold Story Of The Black Women Mathematicians1233 Words   |  5 PagesThe film Hidden Figures is based on a true story and adapted from the book ‘Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race’ by Margot Lee Shetterly. The movie is centered around a trio of African-American women who worked for the National Aerona utics and Space Administration (NASA) and played an essential role in sending John Glenn to space amidst a burgeoning Space Race between the United States of America and Russia. Based

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